Applied Human Machine Intelligence in EastAfrica

Use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to solve real-world problems

Project Belief​

The world is experiencing a technological revolution with Internet Of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Governments are investing in AI to stay competitive, and African companies need to adopt AI to reduce costs and attract global partners. 
The AHUMAIN project seeks to address local IT needs, offer up-to-date AI and Data Science courses, and build an international network for knowledge exchange to promote useful and commercially viable AI systems.

Work Packages

We've established clear work units, assigned to teams and individuals, breaking down the project into manageable tasks. This has stream lined our work processes and made faster material delivery.


We defined follow milestones: completed kick-off meeting - partner visits - course formulation - lab equipment delivery - EU trainings - pilot teaching completion - final symposium - final project meeting.

Our Goals

The project's goals include addressing region-specific challenges in agriculture, healthcare, education, and infrastructure, promoting economic growth through AI-driven innovation, capacity building to foster a skilled local AI workforce, ensuring ethical AI adoption.

Project Type
Project Number​
Project Budget​
Jan 2023 - Jan 2026
Project Timeline​

Be in Demand with Our Professional Training

We offer a well structured  problem solving course

Course 1: Different approaches to Moodle usage
Course 2: Smart Cities
Course 3: A/V Content creation with Tim
Course 4: Creating project-based learning paths in Moodle

C01 – AI Leadership
C02 – Data Science
C03 – Machine Learning
C04 – Deep learning
C05 – ML Ops
C06 – Reinforcement learning
C07 – Applied AI (NLP & CV)
C08 – Data Management & Visualisation
C09 – Big Data
C10 – IoT
C11 – Ethical Use of Technology
C12 – Applied Soft Skills
C13 – Entrepreneurship & Economics
C14 – Project Management & Strategy
C15 – Multidisciplinary Project

Latest Events

AHUMAIN kick-off meeting

AHUMAIN kick-off meeting held in Karume Institute of Science and Technology, Zanzibar, February 6th – February 11th, 2023

E-learning training

E-learning training held at Ardhi University, Dar es Salaam, January 30th – February 4th, 2023

Stakeholders meetings TZ-UG

External stakeholders delivered needs and input for the AHUMAIN project, in January 2023 for Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar, in June 2023 for Kampala and Arua.

Project Partners

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